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Aliens..smashing up a window and big portal thingies @ ]:-4.17.00-:[
Ok..I just had the weirdest/scariest dream I've had in a long time. As soon as it started I knew I woudln't really enjoy it.

I'm sitting in a...big space..somewhere outdoor. I'm gonna guess field or something. And someone else is with me and we're like..walking. When suddenly these huge gigantic alien type things come down infront of us..but myself and my friend don't get scared..we try to hit them or like..kill them. But of course we can' they just sit there and laugh, eventually they fly off and move on. But somehow..someway I knew, knew then that it was a sign my dream would be messed up. and messed up it was..but like..I didn't want to wake up..I wanted to see what was going to happen.

So I sit there and suddenly I'm walking down a street and I see this car and it's stopped in the road for some reason..and I'm cold...and I ask for a life and/or shelter..I'm not positive. But I end up in these people's house. And one of them..I think thier male kid, has some disease or something that makes him handicapped..but what's weird is the ceiling is too low. I'm always bending over for fear of smacking my head on the ceiling. So I go upstairs and find 'my' room. And there's this dog there..huge white....i don't know the name but he's really friendly. So anyways I fall asleep petting this dog. But start to see snippits of other things.

In one set of images I'm talking to this guy/thing that I've got in my hand...but I don't like him/it so i'll occasionally smash him/it against some wall or object. And I see this family in this car again..and I smash the guy against their windshield. They look at me oddly and I smile, say something nice and walk off. Then the view comes back to my room and I'm sitting up looking at these like two portals in my bedroom. Each really damn omnious looking.

Then it's back to the road. And I can tell something's happened, that's not good, but all I can see is the mothers image..suddenly it pans down and I see that the car is all messed up and the father is cut up and sitting on a stretcher. And these ambulance guys are getting him to hurl so as so clear his lungs.

Then it's back inside the house. And I'm running upstairs..I've no idea why I am but I don't want to get who? I've no idea. So I run upstairs and I can hear a little voice telling me to hurry..but I am hurrying..I hop into bed and take off my shirt and shoes.

Suddenly some times passes, not too much and I'm looking out a window in this bedroom and I see the mom..and I'm just like, staring. And suddenly she's looking up right at me and smiling. Like she knows what I'm doing and doesn't really disapprove.

Then suddenly it's like..back to the scary alien type thingies. I'm running from the house and all around me I can like..feel them..or something. But it's not a good thing...and I'm running..running so goddamn fast it's not even funny..but when I look to the left or right I can see these portal thingies..and they scare the beejesus outta me.

And finally I'm awake..I'm fearing that it's only something like 6 am and that I'll end up sitting awake for an extra 2 hours before class but it's only 3 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off...

So here I am now..totally at wonder about this dream. There was too much in it for it to just be one of them scary dreams. how the hell am i supposed to interrupt the damn dream? I can understand sex dreams..those are easy..and some other ones, but this one...totally clueless...any help that anyone can find out there..tell me.


Added stuff --------------------
Ok..this day is shaping up to be a humdinger (what a great word that is!) of a day. It's raining, but not real rain..only drizzle. And we got kicked out of our english class early..normally that's cool but Mr.Sparrow AKA Ned, is cool as hell and I really like his class...bleh..what a shitty day and it's only 10.


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