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new job already..bite me wrb. @ ]:-6.21.00-:[
Ok it's the afternoon and I've already got this idea for a freaking massive entry. Oh well bite me it's gonna be in two parts.

Anyways, I wake up to hear 2 messages on the machine (goddamn machine beeping to tell me there were messages woke me up). The first one was that stupid guy from the crappy temp service, the message basically said I didn't have to report into work at WRB. Uh..hello dipshit, of course I wasn't going to report into work there, and if I had gone into work then I wouldn't have heard your message dumbfuck. Freaking morons.

The second message was from a different temp service I had signed up for weeks ago that my mom knew of. A lady called to tell me she had a potentional job lined up for me. So I called her up and did all that, turns out there's a job for me helping out a sectary at this construction company nearby. So I went out there and talked to the lady about the job. Lemme tell you she's really fucking cool..we were jokin about a few things and she told me what I'd be doing, a little bit of everything, and so on. The place was really cool..kinda laid back and whatnot so that's tight. So I got a job lined up payin 10 bucks an hour doin some aiight stuff. Good day keeps on truckin.

Third message was a different lady from the crappy temp service talking about how she didn't get my timecard. Except I faxed it in along with all my friends from WRB last friday afternoon. Dumb bitch pull your head out of your ass. So whatever, I say fuck it and drove over there and dropped off my timeslip. If I don't get a check by friday afternoon I'm gonna be pissed. I was planning on depositing it into my bank account, buying two cd's (The new phish, and the "lifehouse experience" by pete townshend) and listening to 'em on my way up north, and if I can't do that..then gotdamn I'm gonna be upset!

So blah..that's the first part of my long entry. The second is gonan come later on cause it's all about a nice long e-mail I got from someone about my erin thing.


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