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"it's just what i do with words. i use them until they're dead" @ 4.9.2001
yay, my "weekend" has started.

now i know you're probably saying "um what the hell you tardmuffin it's monday not..friday" but for me monday and tuesday ARE my weekend, since i pretty much work everyother day of the weekends just got shifted a bit.

but man i so want to just sit around on my ass and do nothing. i'm so sore from a goddamn soccer game i went to on saturday it's not even funny. just goes to show how out of friggin shape i am..and damnit i used to be in such good shape too..never perfect, like i couldn't ever run the entire time on a soccer game..but i could run the majority and not be dead at the end..or sore as hell the next day.

oh yes..and i have a new word "kirkin it" no i have no idea where it started. i just know it means "freakin out" cause i was kirkin today bigtime over some orders i muffed and a friend at work was like "yo man you're kirkin it over nothin..don't worry about that shit, it's aiite people understand man" so..i've now got a new word i'm slowly starting to overuse..or will overuse. it's just what i do with words. i use them until they're dead.

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