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"the love of jebus tip nicely" @ 3.18.2001
so i worked..a lot this weekend.

infact i think this entire weekend so far i've spent like 2 hours home and resting. the rest i've been up at work working my ass off. and what do i have to show for it? well a buncha friggin money, which is what i i guess that's good.

but two things really got to me.

1] i woke up this morning and attempted to start my didn't. the battery just went on the fritz. so i called up work and told 'em it was dead. a manager, who i had precieved earlier to be "anal" told me that if i didn't come in i wouldn't have a job. i thought about it..and was gonna not go in and then stop into work tomorrow and talk to chuck or one of the other cooler managers. eventually i gave it another go and the car started, so i went into work and went to talk to chuck i asked him if i really would've been fired. he asked me what i thought, i told'm no "cause it's only the first time and i did call in". he for the most part agreed with me, saying that they don't fire for the first offensive unless it's bad, and that i had called in so..i wouldn't have. boy did i want to bash abdul's head in with a big ass dish-tray, and it would've been fun too.

2] old fucking people who are anal piss me off. i had a really fucking old man come in who just got a burger and coffee, and it was near i sort of got him his food and whatnot. i come back by his table once to see if he wanted anything, he made a motion with his hand and said "c-" and ihad no idea what he said. but because of his hand motions i thought he had said check, so i run into the back and get him his check..i drop it off and tell him "there ya go". he muttered something again and i asked him to repeat it "you forget my coffee and i'll forget your tip". me: "oh i'm sorry sir i'll go get your coffee now." him: "no forget it.." so i was like confused and went to tell chuck [the cool manager from above] and he said he'd go talk to the guy and to go get some coffee, so i get the pot and bring it out..and right as i'm pouring it chuck tells me to not give it to him. turns out as chuck was saying that he was sorry i mixed up what he said the guy replied with "i don't need any of your crap"

so i'm sort of sitting against the bar watching this go down and chuck motions me over and gives me his bill and a 20, telling me to get him change, his total was 8.25, but i don't have any quarters so i give him 11 bucks back..he looks at it and goes "wait a second what was that total?" me: "um i dunno..8 something?" him: "eight and a quarter i believe..where's my damn change?" me: " want your damn change..give me a sec." so i go over to the bar and borrow some money from the bartender and give it to him and don't say anything just slap it down on the counter infront of him.

after he had left chuck had told me to not worry about people like him since you can only be so nice. eventually he was like "fuck him" to which i was so into believing.

but even with the asshole manager, and the dipshit old-man i still made out with about 50 bucks today..coupled with the 60 i made the other night..that's a pretty nice chunk of change for 8 hours work.

and i'll say it again, for the love of jebus tip nicely, your waiter/delivery person/etc will love you all that much more and you will be remembered.

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