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eferhfljpoop :o @ ]:-1.24.01-:[
For once..I can't write.

But I just stopped by to say this. I again got a "assless chaps" google hit. I was so excited as I swear that's the #1 oddest google-dland hit...unless someone knows some other ODD combo.

In other news I was recently awarded with "The best diarylander" by SensualStar. Now..I think that's totally untrue because I'm just a big doofy who can't write. But nonetheless I am totally flattered that she enjoys my blabbering. [Also of amusing note was the one female chosen to be the 'queen' of d-land was none other than my luf jaki-san. and my jess also made the list]

So again go read SensualStar whlie I try to get back the will to write.


ps. if you want leave me a message or write in my guestbook..

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