de message board webcam thing Silly pictures leave a note? sign the gbook? old crap new crap

you modeled WHAT? @ ]:-12.15.00-:[
Hmm...I got a sort of bad thing in the mail today. A nice little letter from Fannie Mae telling me I have to start paying back my loans..only I'm still 'in' school so...looks like I get to talk to someone on the telephone and tell them that I really do goto school still!

Tho today did contain some good news. I'm done with classes for this semester, yee! I finished this for my 3d modeling class [and don't worry the link will open in a new window]. And well I think with that piece I nailed a solid B+ or A in yay.

Nothin else goin down..i still need to get off my ass and get some presents for the folks but shit. I didn't feel good most of this week and well..wanted to do other things instead of sit in a damned mall.


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